Every 6 hours, 1 Australian dies from melanoma
We are committed to developing new treatments that save lives.
Countless lives will be changed by the next medical breakthrough. Your support today can help get us there faster.
Often referred to as ‘our national cancer’, it is estimated that 16,800 Australians will be diagnosed with melanoma this year. This year, it is estimated 1,700 will die from the disease.
If detected early, melanoma can usually be treated. If left undetected, it can spread via the blood and lymphatic system to distant organs such as the lungs, liver and brain. In these cases, treatment becomes far more intensive – and survival rates plummet.
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What is treatment resistance in melanoma?
Melanoma cells can evolve rapidly and become resistant to treatment, this is known as treatment resistant melanoma.
The development of new immunotherapies and targeted treatments has provided hope for many people living with advanced melanoma. However, up to 50% of patients either do not respond to traditional interventions, or find that treatment only works for a limited time before the cancer returns.
We are committed to developing new treatment pathways for those individuals with no options left.
Learn more about the future of melanoma treatment
Dr Jess Tiffen has developed a unique research program to understand how epigenetic regulators can drive cancer progression, immune evasion and response to therapy, with a specific focus on melanoma.
Overcoming treatment resistant melanoma
Dr Jessamy Tiffen, Head of the Epigenetics of Melanoma Program, is focused on fighting treatment resistant melanoma. If successful, her research will lead to the development of new drugs and interventions for melanoma patients with no options left.
Medical research saves lives. Your support will help accelerate vital breakthroughs for patients in need.
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