Tiffen Laboratory

About the Tiffen Laboratory

The Tiffen Laboratory works to functionally characterise epigenetic regulators such as those that modify histones and understand how they may drive cancer progression, immune evasion and response to therapy.

We are especially interested in epigenetic genes located on the X and Y chromosomes and how these lead to sex based differences in cancer survival outcomes. 

Using melanoma as a model, we have developed an extensive pre-clinical pipeline of highly annotated biospecimens including human cell lines and mouse models. This allows us to study tumour growth, metastases and resistance to treatment observed in the clinic. 

Centre for Cancer Innovations


  • Dr Jessamy Tiffen

    Head of Centre for Cancer Innovations
  • Dr Cindy Hsin-Yi Tseng

    Postdoc Research Officer
  • Dr Sara Alavi

    Postdoc Research Officer
  • Dr Laura Nicholls

    Masters by Research Student

Student Opportunities

Postdoctoral and postgraduate students can work alongside world-leading medical researchers, with state-of-the-art facilities, in direct collaboration with the University of Sydney, UTS and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.

To learn more about student opportunities in the Tiffen Laboratory and for all general enquiries relating to our work, please contact Dr. Jessamy Tiffen.